


24小时店,北京市维希专业SPA机构(Beijing VICI spa?

ispa SPA spa机 专业 专业spa 2024-03-22 110

维希VICI专业SPA机构(VICI Spa & Massage center ) “维希专业SPA机构”24小时服务的倡导者!SPA养生会馆位于北京国贸CBD繁华地带处于闹市之中却是你心灵的悠居场所!她为忙碌的都市人提供了一席人间秘境,得到心灵的洗涤放松!维希专业SPA机构秉承了数代人的传统精髓,有中医院医师坐堂对于嵴柱保养、失眠调理、肩颈护理、腰部护理、脾胃调理都有绝密秘方!SPA护理是来自欧洲的芳香疗法,进口的产品!身体的护理、泡浴、按摩、艾灸.芳香疗师巧手会为你带去专业的技术!唤醒你体内的感官让你沉醉在花香和芳香精油的仙境之中!温馨的环境!配合上免费茶点、饮料实惠的价格宴请朋友的圣地!美好的享受!就在这里!商家地址;北京市朝阳区南郎家园18号恋日国际公寓1803室营业时间: 24小时商家服务:免费WIFI,免费茶点,免费淋浴Beijing massage uses all-natural products. The masseurs are friendly, well-trained and can speak English. Reservations recommended. 24-hour out call service available. Exclusively male luxurious day spa. offers a range of body-pampering services including massages, body scrubs and wraps, facials, Chinese-styled private treatment rooms.。features internet access, massage, spa, free WI-FIAddress: Sun Thirsty Apartment room 1803 southeast corner of World Trade Bridge, Chaoyang District, BeijingBeijing massage Beijing spa ,massage in Beijing spa in Beijing, home massage, out call massage秘密花园SPA尽善尽美的享受,躯体享受、心灵释放、身体健康调理!适应人群;情绪烦躁肝火旺盛,易动粗数种单方精油可选服务流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间服务,全身清洁----去角质经络---泡浴一全身搓奶护理一全身精油按摩艾灸头部减压按摩芳香减压耳烛时间分配:(共计120分钟) 可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶Complimentary refreshments, perfect enjoyment of body and soul to the best health status.Suitable for twitchy people especially when too much yang in the liver that make him irritable. Different kinds of high-quality essential oils are available to nourish your body.When the gentle music play, please be relax and relieved to enjoy the elegance in Heavenly Spa-- Drizzling softness from flowing water with sweet fragrance can bring you to the space for spirituality. Noise and stuffiness will be overwhelmed by the gentle music, seems we were at an golden beach with blue sky and white clouds, cool breezes from the endless sky and sea,spoondrift flowing over the beach and sea water with foams slowly retreating to the sea. Here, you can relax your body and interact with your beautiful soul.单人牛奶 赋 活SPA尽善尽美的享受,躯体享受、心灵释放、身体健康调理!适应人群;情绪烦躁肝火旺盛,易动粗数种单方精油可选流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间享受服务,全身清洁---去角质----经络刷----泡浴一一全身搓奶护理一全身精油按摩---艾灸----头部减压按摩芳香减压耳烛时间分配:(共计90分钟)可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长。托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶Complimentary refreshments, perfect enjoyment of body and soul to the best health status.Suitable for twitchy people especially when too much yang in the liver that make him irritable. Different kinds of high-quality essential oils are available to nourish your body.Soft music flows into your heart like clear springs, which not only connects your body and soul but also relieves pressure. Tiredness and pressure are gone make you experience the purity and freedom as you were re-born. Unique skills together with fragrant essential oils bring will you to the dreamland where you can relax your body and interact with your beautiful soul. 暹罗国SPA 尽善尽美的享受,躯体享受、心灵释放、身体健康调理!适应人群;情绪烦躁肝火旺盛,易动粗数种单方精油可选流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间享受服务,提供一次性香皂、一次性毛巾、一次性短裤,由专业芳香师为您服务服务流程亲切备至的接待一一送上清新花草茶一一芳疗师为您准备房间一一进入房间享受服务,肩颈部舒缓按摩—一背部舒缓按摩一一四肢舒缓按摩一头部减压按摩(共计80分钟)可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长!托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶Body shaping essential oil has strong permeation ability, release extra body heat, remove swelling and fat, tighten skin and provide you both massage service and beautiful body shape. 单人肩颈/腰腿/失眠/脾胃/月经/体虚/驱寒七选一套餐流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间享受服务,提供一次性香皂、一次性毛巾、一次性短裤,由专业芳香师为您服务服务流程亲切备至的接待一一送上清新花草茶一一芳疗师为您准备房间一一进入房间享受服务,肩颈部舒缓按摩—一背部舒缓按摩一一四肢舒缓按摩一头部减压按摩(共计80分钟)可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶 By using Daoist energy to dispel coldness inside human body can cure diseases such as intractable insomnia, intractable headache, rheumatism bone disease, uterine cold dysmenorrhea, gout, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disease, frozen shoulder and stomach illnesses. Besides, it can beautify you by dispel freckles, acne and lose weight. Happy spa 单人宁静之旅芳香SPA尽善尽美的享受,躯体享受、心灵释放、身体健康调理!适应人群;情绪烦躁肝火旺盛,易动粗数种单方精油可选服务流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间服务。全身清洁----去角质经络---泡浴一全身搓奶护理一全身精油按摩艾灸头部减压按摩芳香减压耳烛时间分配:(共计100分钟) 可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长!托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶Complimentary refreshments, perfect enjoyment of body and soul to the best health status.Suitable for twitchy people especially when too much yang in the liver that make him irritable. Different kinds of high-quality essential oils are available to nourish your body.When there are sounds of waterfalls flowing down swiftly from far away, you taste a delicate scent of fragrance that lead us to a remote wonderland, there are range upon range of mountains, surging springs and fragrances of lily in the air after the rain. Here, you can feel energetic with cells, and toxins and unhappiness are all gone. The modern SPA of the five organs from head to feet can relieve every inch of skin and internal organs. Together with mild rejuvenation of head and balanced essential oils, it can fundamentally change the acidic bodies and recover from the sub-healthy status, make you become younger and more energetic. 芳香甜梦SPA尽善尽美的享受,躯体享受、心灵释放、身体健康调理!适应人群;情绪烦躁肝火旺盛,易动粗数种单方精油可选流程亲切备至的接待,芳疗师为您准备房间,进入房间享受服务,葡萄籽精油推拿调理适用范围好处:可以紧致肌肤,水润莹亮,同时还能促进血液循环美容效果十分不错。流水叠加细语柔声,芳香入鼻带你进入灵性空间,采用缓慢、坚定而温和的手法,加快体液循环,缓解肌肉紧张和疼痛,能加快体内的新成代谢(时长60分钟)可依个人喜好调整身体各部位时长托盘备品:糕点、小果盘、有机花草茶Complimentary refreshments, perfect enjoyment of body and soul to the best health status.Suitable for twitchy people especially when too much yang in the liver that make him irritable. Different kinds of high-quality essential oils are available to nourish your body.Drizzling softness from flowing water with sweet fragrance can bring you to the space of spirituality. With slow and moderate skills,it can speed up the circulation of body fluids, alleviate muscular tension and pains, accelerate metabolism, increase flexibility, soothe nerves, and relieve the whole body, feel like you were walking in the clouds…

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24小时店,北京市维希专业SPA机构(Beijing VICI spa?


